Galatas Pictures from the alleys (both day and night) View over Poros More photos from Poros October 2000 Cats on Poros (lots of cats) Friends in Poros/Galatas This page: This photoalbum will be a walk througt Poros town. From east to west. We will start the sightseeing where you land with the big ferryboats from Pireus and end at the other end of the city. During the walk you can stop and look at pictures from the alleys and the views over Poros. Hold the mouse on the pictures to make them a little larger. |
and the small carferries between Poros and Galatas enter Poros.
The carferries leave Galatas every whole and half hour, and 10 minutes later
they leave Poros. They run until 22 every evening. Most of them are open
only at one end, so cars have to go reverse onboard. But on one you can drive
straight through.

New stones were layed at the pavement and a fine shoreline were built.

In the evening water is spout all over her and lamps are lightning her up.

is situated. This is where you find the free doctor. You don't pay for the
treatment, only for the farmacy. Sit down in the line and wait for your turn.
The Pipka-house has moved.
They are now behind Niki's Village to the left of the canal.
The farmacy is closed now.

It was a very nice experience to see a film outdoor. The starred sky above you,
lights from the houses up the slopes, an aeroplane in the sky. They give quite
new films in English, sometimes dubbed to greek but with subtitles in English.

There you can buy foreign newspapers, 1 day old.

Expensive boats and cheap ones. Boats from all over the world. If you are
interested in boats, this place is for you.

You can't miss the broad stairs.

In the centre of the square stands the cenotaph. It is
honouring the dead from the two last wars.

taxiboats berth. The taxiboats can take you to many places.
You can go to: Galatas, Neorion, Askeli, Monastery, Aliki
and more places where a boat can berth.

It is not a real station, but the bus stop there. There is only one bus
on Poros now. It goes goes to Monastery, where you can swim
and visit the monastary. There are no busstops along the road.
You just stop the bus when you want to enter it
and press the button where ever you want to leave the bus.

If you want to buy fresh fish, you can visit the fishmarket.

...or you can buy directly from the boat

Outside the fishmarket

The house to the left is the town office.

more photos from Bourtzi: click

East entrance of Poros, lighthouse Dana from 1870 ![]() |
West entrance of Poros (the little church) ![]() |
On the street, and in the alleys

Galatas Pictures from the alleys (both day and night) View over Poros More photos from Poros October 2000 Cats on Poros (lots of cats) Prople in Poros/Galatas |