It all began with the pirates.
Long journeys on high seas. On board the crew had to eat and drink. Difficult
circumstances. The burning sun had no mercy. To conserve fresh water was a
problem. The only way to survive was to stock drinks that would not rot: Wines
and Spirit.
At "Cava Captain B" you will find a selection of exellent wines from regions
around Greece: Attica, Macedonia, Peleponese and Crete as well as international
labels. Spirits such as Spiced Rum, Single Malt Whiskey, Vodka and
Gin, not to forget the famous Tsikoudia from Crete.
The hostess of this wine boutique will always welcome you for a glass of wine
accompanied by some lovely appetizers.
Welcome to "Cava Captain B" in Galatas.

T. 0030 22980 43641
M. 0030 6986212726
e-mail: reginalbrecht@outlook.com